Upcoming Workshops

Jul 16

Mexican Regional Cuisine with Arturo Sosa

Sold Out

Wednesday, July 16, 2025 - Friday, July 18, 2025

$875/per person

Each winter, I head South with my family to Mexico, a country that has held a special place in my heart since I was a child. My parents lived in Mexico City before I was born and their tales of delicious street tamales, long, fancy brunches and parties that lasted well past midnight peaked my interest. My father and I would spend the better part of a weekend making mole on our suburban stovetop as he would tell me tales of living in Mexico. As an adult and a cook, Mexico holds even greater intrigue. My husband and I (and now our daughter) have explored the Yucatan Peninsula, the state of Oaxaca and Chiapas and found a second home in Mexico City, where I now lead workshops in the winter months. True Mexican food is as good as eating gets, with sour, spicy and and earthy notes that make the palate yearn for more. In this three day workshop, you will be introduced to three different regional cuisines of Mexico and my hope is that you will fall in love with the culinary landscape of country that I hold so dear.

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Jul 20

The Salt Water Farm MasterClass

Sold Out

Sunday, July 20, 2025 - Friday, July 25, 2025

Welcome to our first ever Salt Water Farm MasterClass. Students will stay with us on the farm in our seaside cottage and antique barn apartment, waking up to the sunrise over the Atlantic and then embarking on days full of seasonal cooking, luxurious lunches, relaxation and exploring Midcoast Maine. In this weeklong immersive workshop,  you will harvest fruits, vegetables and herbs from the garden, hone your kitchen skills, enhance your ability to entertain large groups with grace and make new friends. We will also explore the best of what the area has to offer, including an easy hike up a mountain, a sunset sail, some shopping around town, a lobster roll lunch and visit a beautiful local working farm and farm store. We can accommodate up to eight guests and welcome both singles and couples to join us for what is sure to be a magnificent week. See the week’s schedule below. To secure a spot, please email annemarie@saltwaterfarm.com for further details.

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Jul 29

Jumpstart Your Memoir: A Three-Day Workshop to Get Your Wheels Turning With Your Writing

Tuesday, July 29, 2025 - Thursday, July 31, 2025

$875/per person

Join Richard Goodman, author of French Dirt: The Story of a Garden in the South of France, at beautiful Salt Water Farm in coastal Maine for three days of inspiration, July 29-31. Accompanying our writing practice each day will be a French inspired multi-course lunch, made by our host and chef, Annemarie Ahearn. 

You have a story you want to tell. A memoir you’ve always wanted to write. That can be intimidating.  Where to begin?  What to put in?  What to leave out? These questions can be daunting and overwhelming. You might stop before you even start.

This three-day workshop will help you to get the ball rolling. Or, if you’re stuck, it will provide you with the means to continue.

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Aug 12

Italian Regional Cuisine

Tuesday, August 12, 2025 - Thursday, August 14, 2025

$750/per person

Influenced by its Northern neighbors, mountain ranges and cooler climates, these regions of Italy are known for egg-based pastas, dairy-rich dishes, polenta, hard cheeses, dried pork products such as prosciutto, beans and bread.  In this class we will make pasta from scratch, traditional pesto and a wonderful, once-baked biscotti.  Our meal will be comprised of bagna cauda with sliced raw vegetables from the garden, bitter greens salad with beets, pecorino and orange vinaigrette, Genovese linguine with green beans, new potatoes and pesto, a white bean in herbed tomato sauce with fresh sausages, and almond biscotti.

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Sep 07

The Salt Water Farm MasterClass

Sold Out

Sunday, September 7, 2025 - Friday, September 12, 2025

Welcome to the Salt Water Farm MasterClass. Students will stay with us on the farm in our seaside cottage and antique barn apartment, waking up to the sunrise over the Atlantic and then embarking on days full of seasonal cooking, luxurious lunches, relaxation and exploring Midcoast Maine. In this weeklong immersive workshop,  you will harvest fruits, vegetables and herbs from the garden, hone your kitchen skills, enhance your ability to entertain large groups with grace and make new friends. We will also explore the best of what the area has to offer, including an easy hike up a mountain, a sunset boat cruise, some shopping around town, a lobster roll lunch and visit a beautiful local working farm and farm store. We can accommodate up to eight guests and welcome both singles and couples to join us for what is sure to be a magnificent week. See the week’s schedule below. To secure a spot, please email annemarie@saltwaterfarm.com for further details.

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